Tuesday, December 16, 2014


A short 3.5 minute IDC video predicting company adoption of 3rd Platform technologies into 2020. Published on Youtube on Dec 9, 2014

While IT Sales vendors will continue to make their sales numbers by staying focused on selling 2nd Platform technologies…
Vendors must not close their eyes to customer's latent testing and adoption of 3rd platform technologies.

What is different for 3rd Platform adopters?
  1. How they communicate with their customers (think more real-time and targeted communications thanks to mobile app instrumentation, live clickstream data and near-line data mining & sentiment analysis)
  2. Quicker Time-To-Market and thus Time-To-Value from products (think Agile methodologies for Application Development as well as DevOPs & Continuous Integration & PaaS)
  3. How they innovate (think new technologies means ways of doing things that just were not possible before, better / more timely appreciation of customer needs & wants)
  4. Increased reliability of Operations & Resiliency  (think Cloud Services,  redundancy now found in app layer as well as fast recovery due to SDDC & geo-distribution of data)

Mention of: shadow IT is LARGER than CIOs believe. This hinting…
  • You will need to be talking/selling to LoB contacts outside IT.
  • If you ARE talking to IT … if possible, let them know your company can help design a strategy that properly lands workloads according to security, functionality and budget


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